
Follow the fortunes of Muddyboots & Family on their East Yorkshire farm which has changed from dairy farm to luxury ice cream manufacture

Thursday, 5 July 2007

labradors & their stomachs

Gordon has been sick. Violently sick. Everywhere. In his kennel. In the veranda. On the drive. This morning, you see, Gordon caught a rabbit. Not a huge bunny, but just the right size for a quick snack. Gordon, l should tell you, is definitely not the best connie catcher. If the truth were know, he is very amateur in his rabbit snuffling exercises. He shows great enthusiasm but doesn't exactly race after the little blighters. Too much effort most likely. Well, this morning, b*** h**, whilst casing out a clump of particularly thick, tall grasses, what should literally leap into his mouth but a rabbit.

Poor Gordon, was just so shocked! Lucy-Piglet is an expert rabbit snaffler, dispatching fluffy bunnies with consummate ease. l would go as far as to say, an expert in the field of the one dog rabbit extermination team. Gordon on the other hand, is, well, a bit of a wet blanket. 'Ooo Ooo, l have a rabbit, what do l do next?'. And so it was this morning. He, ever so gently, marched about with rapidly expiring rabbit, unable to decide what to do next. Lucy-Piglet had definite ideas about that, but Gordon hung on to his prize, just keeping far enough ahead to prevent Lucy-Piglet snatching his new found friend from him.

OK, l am coming to the sickee bit.

l managed to persuade Gordon that it might, perhaps, be a sensible idea to leave the booty rabbit behind for some hungry predator to finish off for breakfast. Thankfully, Gordon agreed to this, leaving the stiff lying on the farm track.

That was a close call, as there is nothing quite as bad as prising dead things from labradors mouths.

Unfortunately, my well laid plans went out the window. This afternoon we had a group of younger employees, who incidentally love it here so much that they come on their days off, kindly volunteering to take said dogs down for a walk to the beach. To avoid the poop n scoop footpath, they opted for the farm track. Yes. The rabbit. It was still there. Gordon gleefully ran straight to the corpse of his new best friend & decided to show him the farm, the beach, the sea, then the inside of his stomach the contents of which have now been spewed up just about everywhere!

And now for something completely different.

This photo was taken today looking across one of the new lakes in the east riding towards St Elgins church in North Frodingham.

Under the water is a field of wheat.


Chris Stovell said...

Oh dear, what a naughty Gordon - seems as if he bit off more than he could chew!

snailbeachshepherdess said...

We've got some new lakes as well!What if they all join up?

muddyboots said...

well, if they all joined up, we could travel by boat on the new inland waterways & reduce our carbon profiles? your house for tea?

Milla said...

hmm, so glad I read that. stomach churning, I can all but feel the sensation of squelchy rabbit, innards bursting beneath surprised teeth, oozing down Gordon's throat. And then back up again. Yum. thanks for that! Great lake, shame it's a field.

Faith said...

Gordon - better out than in I suppose!

Blossomcottage said...

Head of House never peels them ,just down whole, dogs are really revolting.
Blossom x

Un Peu Loufoque said...

We had retrievers who were just the same, sick all over the place, how something that rugged can have a delicate stomach is beyond me!! Our Labs have cast iron intestine.. comes from being French I suspect!!!

Bluestocking Mum said...

OMG-That is so gross Muddy!!

It reminds me of when we used to have our old cat (21 years old) she died last year. Simba, our yellow lab and her were best friends. She used to catch ice and rabbits and bring them and he used to wolf them down in one gulp!!

Then an hour later it would come back whole and she would take it to pieces!!! Uuurrgggh!!

Bloomin' labradors-will eat anything!!

warm wishes

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Good god, that's a field...

The black lab we had when I was a teenager used to chase seagulls on the beach when he was a pup and one day brought a very angry specimen back. Fortunately, i was able to prise it out of this mouth and it flew off! they're such buggers - the girls (the current crop) got a thrush today. they were not popular.

Kitty said...

Lovely - I was reprimanded for talking vomit on the other siad, nice to know it's up front and well-received here, so to speak!
Gertie is eating drowned animals from the receding flood (for today anyway, it will no doubt be back soon) in the field. Mice, voles, shews, moles. Yes, and then she vomits. Lovely.

@themill said...

Labradogs - they eat anything. Disgusting, but what would we do without them?

bodran... said...

You mean he didnt eat it a second time around! now that is bad manners!
That is a scary field..xx

muddyboots said...

l didn't want to upset the squeamish, bodran, but, well, yes he did!

Sally Townsend said...

You tell your story charmingly and with such an air of calm !! Do I mention the weather here, perhaps not but you can imagine it can't you ?

Anonymous said...

Poor Gordon, he might get the taste for them. Sparky ate her first mouse last night, delivered by Jessica, the cat. Jessica was none too pleased.

Crystal x

Gwen said...

How lovely - I'm glad I had finished eating when I read this post.

Yorkshire Pudding said...

New leisure opportunities are opening up in the East Riding. Who needs wheat when you can water ski instead? Could be a good site for a farm-made local ice cream outlet?

Inthemud said...

Where exactly is your place? I may try to pop up for icecream !

If you haven't already done it, may I tag you to do the 5 things that help to keep you positive when you are feeling down in the doldrums?

Grouse said...

I miss the rabbits- mixi wiped them out years ago and they are only just recovering.
Thankfully the terriers dont eat the rats........Ratter Minor still has a problem with killing them! Smallest dog had to do it for her the other day! I ask you......

laurie said...

this made me laugh.

my younger dog (only part Lab) dreams of killing a rabbit some day. the best he's managed is a squirrel. several squirrels. he doesn't eat them, though. he shakes them dead and then drops them and looks at them as if to say, "what's wrong? why won't you get up and play some more?"

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