How old is old, l ask myself? l don't feel that old. l'm careful not to look like mutton dressed as lamb, but l would not class myself as old. Old is in excess of 70 perhaps? l don' t wear twin sets with tweed skirts. if l did would that make me old?
When l was a teenager, my parents seemed old, yet l am now at that time of life, waiting for gravity to take effect. They liked boring music & my mum wore boring clothes. l like loud rock music, l enjoy the company of our young staff. we all laugh at the same things. Perhaps l am senile, reverting back to my second childhood? l still feel the same as l did years ago, l don't exactly look the same, the hair is still uncontrollable, there is more character to my face [well would you admit to wrinkles], l don't have varicous veins but l have gained a little weight going from a size 10 to a 12. But l am not old. Yet. That is for the future.
So why am l muttering like this? This is why, my fellow blogger from God's own county, the good old Yorkshire Pudding, has invented a new blogging awards, for, well, being mature. Ha! That's a joke. l do drink, l don't pray EVER, & well l'm not an old cheese, though l do enjoy a slice of Stinking Bishop whenever l pass the Balloon Treee.
So what does mature actually mean then? Am l mature? according to the OED it means the folowing, & l quote....
adjctive... fully grown or developed: adult... like an adult in mental & emotianal developement... full flavoured...ready for payment...
So what am l then? Perhaps l shall take the title 'mature' as meaning a a good, matured red, malbec preferablely. Oh, did l say that the preseident of this new award to the blogging world was one Homer Simpsons? No? Well friends, that, says it all!!
When l was a teenager, my parents seemed old, yet l am now at that time of life, waiting for gravity to take effect. They liked boring music & my mum wore boring clothes. l like loud rock music, l enjoy the company of our young staff. we all laugh at the same things. Perhaps l am senile, reverting back to my second childhood? l still feel the same as l did years ago, l don't exactly look the same, the hair is still uncontrollable, there is more character to my face [well would you admit to wrinkles], l don't have varicous veins but l have gained a little weight going from a size 10 to a 12. But l am not old. Yet. That is for the future.
So why am l muttering like this? This is why, my fellow blogger from God's own county, the good old Yorkshire Pudding, has invented a new blogging awards, for, well, being mature. Ha! That's a joke. l do drink, l don't pray EVER, & well l'm not an old cheese, though l do enjoy a slice of Stinking Bishop whenever l pass the Balloon Treee.
So what does mature actually mean then? Am l mature? according to the OED it means the folowing, & l quote....
adjctive... fully grown or developed: adult... like an adult in mental & emotianal developement... full flavoured...ready for payment...
So what am l then? Perhaps l shall take the title 'mature' as meaning a a good, matured red, malbec preferablely. Oh, did l say that the preseident of this new award to the blogging world was one Homer Simpsons? No? Well friends, that, says it all!!
I think the rot sets in as soon as you start saying, 'I still feel the same'. That is a sure sign of being 'mature' (I won't say the O word.)
I've just looked at your profile and found out you are only 40 something. My god woman you're a mere babe. Stop worrying....
Yes you are definitely not old at 40 something and you won't feel any different at 50 something and so it goes on, or so they tell me!
I'm sure I read somewhere that 40 is the new 30!! And isn't life supposed to begin at 40 too? I'll be 40 next year, and though I'm petrified of it, I'm also conscious of how scared I was of turning 30 and how young that sounds to me now, so I'm trying really hard not to dwell on the next milestone!
Argh, well I'm a spring chick and while I always feel like one, I'll always be one! And when I'm mature, I'll still be spring chick deep down.
Crystal xx
Old age is fifteen years older than I am. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
I am 40 and sometimes feel as if I'm 60!!
Made me laugh-you sound full of fun-don't think you have anything to worry about Muddy!!
warm wishes
Mmmmm... Full-flavoured! Perhaps a new ice cream taste? Sorry if I offended you by labelling you "mature"! That doesn't mean you have passed your "sell by" date!
Old enough to know better wise enough to not care!!
You could try doing what I do - I have a lot of friends who are between 5 and 9 years older than me, so whatever age I am I always feel like the baby. I was a bit woprried when another blogger who is not a lot older than me stated that he was middle aged. I feel nowhere near middle aged and probably won't until I reach 70.
No seriously you looked a real 'babe' in that slinky bikini round the pool !!
Congrats on your award - pride yourself on not being as old as YP ...
Good gracious Muddy - you are a girl!! I dealt with the whole 'feeling like I'm aging' thing by moving to the place in Canada that has the largest number of retirees. I regularly am called 'young woman' and 'miss' and even 'young lady'....HA! It works - I feel 40!
old happens when your pants are down, your eyes are crossed and you hold your breath. so don't ever do that.
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