As l turn to the BBC 5 day weather forecast, hubby races into the office as whoops of excitement radiate around the house. 'look' l shout, wildly jabbing finger at screen then grabbing the print out of the 5 day forecast... 'look'' l gasp again, 'no rain for at least 5 days! look! sunny symbols for EVERY day! Look! 25'C!!'
Boy have we had some rain in the past months. This is the part of the UK forgotten about by the press & politicians. Our floods happened 4 weeks ago but to show the fear that still prevails around the the words 'heavy rain', a neighboring village, which had been under 4 feet of water, last night had its villagers barricading themselves in their homes with sand bags because heavy rain was forecast. We had none............
So with any luck it looks as though August will be a return to summer, or perhaps l should say the start of summer? Hopefully the flood, [pictured left] standing in a long drained kettlehole lake, should soon recede or perhaps even evaporate, tram lines in the wheat 'side oupp' & combines be able to roll without being tugged & pushed by tractors. What a flipping year.............
Yes! We are having breezy sunshine and it's wonderful! J has the combine out, serviced and ready to roll. I have to bait box ready, bread defrosted and flask warmed up. It'll probably be next week sometime when the combine roars into action but it is exciting isn't it. VERY!!
Crystal xx
Hope the sun reaches you and stays for a good while, we have been incredibly lucky. Good luck with the crops!
Huraaaah, hope mrmoo's is fully prepared for the avalanche of people licking their lips in anticipation of a cowpat.
and here we are with no rain all summer, and me racking up huge watering bills by having the sprinkler going constantly, trying to save the roses and the hostas. (i've given up on the grass.)
but i'm very glad you're finally getting some sunshine.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that Mr Moo's now has a successful summer holidays and this brings the tourists out, looking for delicious ice creams!!
warm wishes
Sunshine and showers here - warm in the sun but berludy chilly when it goes in . . . hope the rain does indeed hold off for you. Now where is the hotest summer on record that we were promised?
Isnt it exciting - sunny for nearly a week - it did of course rain another quarter inch last night! Storm has just gone round us, and it is still sunny now! Good luck with harvest.
Will your combine be able to cut without sinking? Not sure ours will.
Nearly had to pick myself up off the floor after looking at the 5 day forecast, we are addicted to it too, had 2 fantastic days so far, I've been gardening, busily making up for lost time, washing, ditto and S has been mowing and baling - it really doesn't get much better- now thats sad
@the mill, if it stays dry we should be OK, going to leave the wet bit [see picture], as this is carr land & SSSI to boot. Fields that have been combined & ploughed are drying very fast now & if not worked down soon could bake out.
Woo hoo! Roll on summer proper...
Fingers well and truly crossed, for all of us, but especially for those of you with businesses that depend on something formerly known as summer.
We no longer have to make hay or silage but have to mow acres of bracken if we are not to be overrun with it.............and guess what? Just as the sun comes out and we can get on.....the flail mower is b******d! Ah! Well! At least the sun is shining!
May this wonderful sunshine continue and perhaps it will now have a chance to warm up a little.
Blossom x
good lets hope you have some spare to send here!!
Here's to the sunshine! Hope it stays with you.xx
I think that, strangely, the rain has been far worse in England. It has been quite sunny here, certainly in the last couple of weeks. I hope it gets better for everyone in August!
about bloomin' time!! Hurrah for the sun!
Meant to be in Whitby today, having fish and chips from the Magpie's newish takeaway bit (at last), but the boy has feigned illness - hurrah! I do love Whitby but not for six hours straight with no respite.
Nice ideas for days out - can anyone actually eat a full Fat Rascal at once or am I just a wimp?
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